Tuesday, June 3, 2008

viviendo en las montanas

There are a number of times in the Bible where Jesus just goes off by himself into the wilderness to pray and listen for God´s voice. I thought of this yesterday. I took a little trolly thing up the mountain and looked down over this town that sits in the valley of the Andes. I think I pictured a Down town East Lansing with dirt roads and wooden shacks, but instead I got a Washington D.C in the mountains!Literally, it is a town surrounded my massive mountians. Like, right there in the middle of the wilderness, live people.
Even though I´m living in this ¨city in the wilderness¨, I am still alone, unknown, ununderstood and striving to hear the voice the one who knows me the best, my creator. I think God´s purpose for me here is all the same as it was for Jesus those many times in the Bible. He´s saying, ¨ Come away with me, away from all you know and let me show you who you are. I created you to be an individual and away from all your world makes you, I will show you the beauty of My creation! So, do not fear, do not hold back ; come. ¨


Chris said...

you make me proud every day. thank you for wanting to go so badly

(now that i reread that last line, it sounds like i'm talking about going to the bathroom. that's not what i'm talking about :)

kdawg said...

Can anybody recommend a reliable international phone calling card?

Dilyn said...

hi shan. :-)

i love you and and i love that you are feeling the same things as me. a lot of nights after work i drive down to the lake and just sit there staring out all alone and realize how beautiful God is no matter where i am. it is peaceful and astounding to be so alone in the midst of so much beauty...it just pounds the reality of God's power into you so much harder i think :-)