Friday, July 4, 2008

Feliz dia de libertad


I wish I was home for fireworks and cookouts :) It's always one of my favorite parts of summer.

Nothing exciting is going on here today- just another day. It is my host sister's 19th birthday!

She had some friends come over and break out the vodka with her earlier this afternoon- I think she invited me to go to a concert tonight but I'm not sure. Language barriers suck. Cause how do you clarify that... " Oh you want me to come?" and then she's like ohhh thats totally not what I said but now I have to invite her! lol. It sucks a little.

So, wednesday was a big day- Liga ( Ecuador's big soccer team) was in the Copa finals against Brazil. This was the biggest game in like 21-23 years! Everyone was sporting a Liga jersey that day! We all had big plans to head out to a sports bar to watch the game together.
Then, on my way home from school I was like my stomach feels a little weird. I take 3 busses to get home and by the time I got to the second one I was sweating profusely- something was seriously wrong. I almost ducked it off the bus a few times sure I was gonna lose it- but seeing as how I had no idea where I was I used all my will power to make it home. The second I got off the bus I lost all of my lunch right there on the street corner. I thought people would think I was making a bit of scene since I threw up a good 4 times there on the corner- but everyone just passed on by like it was an ordinary event. Then I remembered I was in a country where men can freely pee on the side of the road!

Long story short, I didnt make it out to watch the game. Instead I stayed in and puked a few more times. I got out of bed to watch the end- it went into PK's and Liga won!! They showed all the streets on T.V. and they were just filled edge to edge with people!! It was crazy how excited everyone got.

Today I'm just trying to regain some energy and get some homework taken care of. We only have one week of classes done and then finals!!! I want to finish everything this weekend so that I will have nothing but studying for next week. And Chris gets here on Wednesday so I'm trying to open my schedule! I couldn't be more excited or ready for him to come.

1 comment:

Murphy Kenzio said...

I`m sorry you don`t feel good. Get well soon!